Welcome to Get Rich Without Being A Bitch podcast. This is the place to hear raw and real conversations about what it takes for female entrepreneurs to achieve financial success and live a rich life. I’m Vanessa Shaw, Founder of The Business Growth Academy, author of the Million Dollar Question, and your host for this podcast. Every Tuesday, you can listen to a brand new edition of the podcast. I’ll be covering a wealth of business and money topics from mastering your own money mindset to stopping financial self-sabotage and breaking through your own financial glass ceiling. [daxtesttext]
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
The Word "Bitch": Why I'm Not A Fan
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Learn How to Remove the 7 Money Blind Spots So That You Can Finally Scale and Build Your Business to 7-Figures and Beyond!
Hey, superstars!
Let’s talk about the term “bitch” and why I’m not a huge fan of it.
For centuries, it has been a derogatory term used against women, and society has a lot to change systematically for people to stop using it.
I’ve also had quite a long and difficult relationship with it. I used to think I had to be a cold-hearted bitch to achieve my business goals.
Having a mentor helped me unpack the qualities associated with the word and see that it wasn’t all bad. I realized there were some inherently good qualities that were just misunderstood.
Tune in to this episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: The Word "Bitch": Why I'm Not A Fan
Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review!
Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is
an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing
over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the
breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program
which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83
small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney,
healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or
another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn
your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.
Follow my socials:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vcshaw/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vcshaw/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vanessashawcoach/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vcshaw
Visit the Business Growth Academy website.
#dontbeabitch #mindset #selfimprovement #business #womenentrepreneur #businesswomen #personalgrowth #ambitiouswomen #womenempowerment
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
How to Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: Part 1
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Get a copy of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: The 10 Principles.
Hey, superstars. Welcome back!
In this episode, I want to give you the first 3 principles on how to get rich without being a bitch. I believe this is a framework that is going to be really helpful for you as you improve your business and life.
From a young age, I felt destined for more which taught me not to feel guilty for having desires that are uniquely mine.
It also took me a long time not to be apologetic of the term ‘ambitious.’
But I knew that with financial power and applying these principles, I could make a difference and attain immense freedom.
Join me in this episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: How to Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: Part 1
Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review!
Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is
an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing
over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the
breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program
which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83
small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney,
healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or
another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn
your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.
Follow my socials:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vcshaw/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vcshaw/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vanessashawcoach/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vcshaw
Visit the Business Growth Academy website.
#moneymindset #financialsecurity #womenentrepreneur #womenbusinessowner #financialpower #howtogetrichwithoutbeingabitch
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
The 3 Levels of Money Clarity
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Learn How to Remove the 7 Money Blind Spots So That You Can Finally Scale and Build Your Business to 7-Figures and Beyond!
In this episode, we will explore the 3 levels of clarity that money needs to enter your life.
One of my team members, a financial coach, once said, “We need to direct money as if we’re directing a team member.”
So what does this mean? Saying “I want more money” isn’t enough. Instead, ask, “How much more do we need, and for what?”
Is it revenue?
Or more money to pay yourself?
To make the biggest impact, you don’t want to pull numbers out of thin air… we want specificity! The key is to be more grounded and build that skill set of drilling down into your money.
Remember, superstars, wanting to have more money is not selfish!
Join me in this week’s episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: The 3 Levels of Money Clarity
Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review!
Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is
an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing
over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the
breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program
which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83
small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney,
healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or
another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn
your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.
Follow my socials:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vcshaw/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vcshaw/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vanessashawcoach/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vcshaw
Visit the Business Growth Academy website.
#moneyclarity #makeadifference #payitforward #getrich #moneytips #moneymindset #personalgrowth #selfimprovement #money
Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
The 7 Steps To Defining A Rich Life
Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
Learn How to Remove the 7 Money Blind Spots So That You Can Finally Scale and Build Your Business to 7-Figures and Beyond!
Who doesn’t want a rich life? I know I do!
In this episode, I’ll walk you through the seven steps that will help you define what living richly actually means.
One thing to remember is your definition can change and evolve over time, so you have to give yourself permission and be okay with it!
Also, as you start to experiment, you’ll recognize what actually works for you and what doesn’t. And again, that’s all okay. There’s nothing wrong with that.
Together, let’s break down the key areas that you need to focus on to recognize what living richly looks like for you.
Tune in to this week’s episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: The 7 Steps To Defining A Rich Life
Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review!
Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is
an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing
over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the
breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program
which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83
small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney,
healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or
another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn
your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.
Follow my socials:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vcshaw/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vcshaw/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vanessashawcoach/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vcshaw
Visit the Business Growth Academy website.
#livingrichly #richlife #mindset #personalgrowth
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
The 5 Personality Types Blocking You From Getting Ahead
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Learn How to Remove the 7 Money Blind Spots So That You Can Finally Scale and Build Your Business to 7-Figures and Beyond!
Hey superstars! In today’s episode, I want to dive into the 5 personality types that are getting in the way of you getting ahead.
As I share these, you might identify with at least one or all of them. And I want you to use this list as a guide for places to consider about yourself.
I’d like to be clear: This is in NO WAY to shame or make you feel bad. This is an opportunity to see where you need to make changes. Frankly, I’ve been one of them in all parts of my journey – and that’s totally okay.
Tune in to this episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: The 5 Personality Types Blocking You From Getting Ahead
Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review!
Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the
breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83 small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney,
healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.
Follow my socials:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vcshaw/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vcshaw/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vanessashawcoach/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vcshaw
Visit the Business Growth Academy website.
#mindset #womenentrepreneur #selfimprovement #personalgrowth #getahead #getrich
Tuesday May 28, 2024
The Million Dollar Question
Tuesday May 28, 2024
Tuesday May 28, 2024
Get a FREE copy of “The Million Dollar Question: The Entrepreneur’s Strategic Guide to Earn More Money, Make a Bigger Impact, and Enjoy Greater Freedom.”
Have you heard of the Million Dollar Question?
This is one of my favorite tools for growing and scaling your business and improving your life.
I always say: You won’t get what you want, you get what you tolerate. We, as women entrepreneurs, create a vision that assumes that we are just going to take more and more. But in reality, many of us are already maxed out.
In fact, you’re already getting bitchy, and you don’t like the version of you that’s showing up!
The idea here isn’t to put more on your plate but rather to examine: What are tolerating now that used to work but no longer does?
Join me in this week’s episode of Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: The Million Dollar Question
Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review!
Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83 small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney,
healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.
Follow my socials:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vcshaw/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vcshaw/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vanessashawcoach/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vcshaw
Visit the Business Growth Academy website.
#MillionDollarQuestion #personalgrowth #selfimprovement
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Giving Yourself Permission
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Tuesday May 21, 2024
What permission slip do you want to be writing to yourself?
I’ve always said that I’m committed to keeping this podcast raw, real, and honest. So in this episode, let me share a little bit of a backstory behind my own permission slip that I had to give myself.
I launched this podcast without a real plan. I kept going at it… until I was going down a track of doing conversations I wasn’t excited about. This was followed by the pandemic and family problems.
Before I knew it, I was out of alignment… and it started to feel like hard work.
I knew I had to allow myself to take a break and start doing things differently. It may have taken way longer, but sometimes, that’s actually what we need.
Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review!
Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is
an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing
over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the
breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program
which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83
small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney,
healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or
another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn
your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.
Follow my socials:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vcshaw/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vcshaw/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vanessashawcoach/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vcshaw
Visit the Business Growth Academy website.
Tuesday May 21, 2024
The Story Behind Get Rich Without Being A Bitch
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Learn how to remove the 7 Money Blind Spots here:
Welcome to a new and revamped edition of the Get Rich Without Being A Bitch Podcast!
In this episode, I will share the story behind this podcast and what provoked me to create and share it with others.
The truth is… It took me nearly going bankrupt to realize that I was meant to help people build their businesses while achieving personal growth. But first, I had to repair my dysfunctional relationship with money.
Otherwise, it was game over.
But what inspired me to get back up was putting my story out there, knowing that there are women struggling with their finances that need my help.
Tune in to Get Rich Without Being A Bitch: The Story Behind My Podcast
Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe and leave a 5-star review!
Vanessa Shaw is the Founder & CEO of The Business Growth Academy. She is an internationally recognized Business Success Coach with clients growing over 100% in 100 days, taking worry-free vacations, and becoming the breadwinners of their families. She also created the fast-track ELITE program which generated more than $13.07 million in new revenue for more than 83 small business owners during the pandemic. Whether you’re an attorney, healthcare professional, financial expert, marketer, branding agency, or another professional service provider, Vanessa and her team at BGA can turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.
Follow my socials:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vcshaw/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vcshaw/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vanessashawcoach/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vcshaw
Visit the Business Growth Academy website.
#getrich #moneymindset #limitingbeliefs
Monday May 16, 2022
Healing Your Relationship Around Money
Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
“Whether it's with money, health, or your mate, all relationships are internal,” says Jennifer Urezzio, Founder of Soul Language. For most of her life, Jennifer was living in a state of heartbreak. It wasn’t until she began to heal herself that she realized her trauma had been affecting the way she viewed money. In today’s episode, your host Vanessa Shaw and Jennifer sit down to discuss how to heal your broken relationship with money.
According to Jennifer, our relationship with money begins when we are very young. Whether we have small trauma or large trauma, any amount can have a devastating impact on our future. To truly fix our relationships with money, it is important to first heal our inner child. At the end of the day, all of our painful patterns can be reorganized and released, we just have to start within ourselves.
Tune into this episode of Get Rich Without Being a Bitch for a transparent conversation about money. Learn more about the importance of activating safety in your body, being honest with yourself, and healing your inner child so you can strengthen your relationship with divinity and rebuild a healthy relationship with money.
• “If you are a vessel of receiving, you have to figure out where that vessel is either leaking or not willing to be filled.” (08:40-08:52)
• “Our relationship with money is really a reflection of how we feel about divinity. Which is, in a sense, how we feel about our essential nature. So when you heal that relationship, you heal everything.” (16:04-16:17)
• “Shame is the lowest vibration there is. You actually require support to energetically move from shame to the next level.” (19:21-19:30)
• “If you've had trauma around money, anytime it comes up, your instinct is to be safe.” (22:09-22:17)
• “When you look at your money, this is not who you are, this is just based on choices.” (29:38-29:43)
• “Oftentimes people try to change the external without changing the internal. And then they have a little transformation, but they don't reach transcendence because it doesn't stick.” (31:24-31:34)
Connect with Jennifer Urezzio:
Website: www.soullanguage.us
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jenniferurezzio
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SoulLanguage
Follow Vanessa Shaw on Instagram
Vanessa Shaw on LinkedIn
Join The Million Dollar Group on Facebook
Monday Mar 28, 2022
The Practice of Joy
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
“Joy is a baseline of you deciding how you're going to live,'' says Shannon Hernandez, Business Growth Strategist. After a long career of teaching, Shannon realized that her life contained little to no joy. Desperate for a change, Shannon quit her teaching job to pursue her passion. Today, Shannon is the Founder of Joyful Business Revolution where she is committed to teaching women how to find joy in both their personal and professional lives.
According to Shannon, most people mistakenly believe that happiness and joy are the same things. While both are associated with positive experiences, happiness is an emotion whereas joy is how you choose to structure your life. To begin finding joy, Shannon explains that we must use our values to drive our decisions. When we are making choices that coincide with our beliefs, we will be more joyous and successful in everything we do.
Tune into this week’s episode of Get Rich Without Being a Bitch to learn the importance of determining your values, implementing daily practices of joy, and building a business that gives back so you can find joy in every aspect of your life.
• “The vision we have at Joyful Business Revolution is to help women understand how to be profitable from the very beginning with the intention of being able to be a humanitarian.” (04:35-04:45)
• “Happiness is determined by an emotion that is caused by an external event or a person or a thought, whereas joy is a baseline of you deciding how you're going to live.” (12:32-12:44)
• “How you get to your joy is by looking at your lifestyle values and what you value right now.” (15:52-15:57)
• “Once we know your lifestyle values, we can start filtering every single decision through those values.” (18:42-18:48)
• “If people don't know what you appreciate about them or what they do that brings you joy, we don't give them the opportunity to be joy givers in our lives.” (25:12-25:27)
• “Early on I realized if my mind is right and I'm serving people, I'm going to make money.” (29:24-29:30)
• “If you're paying yourself, you're paying your team and you're profitable, then you should set your prices with the intention that you're going to give from the beginning so you can give seamlessly as your business grows.” (37:54-38:07)
Connect with Shannon Hernandez:
Website: www.joyfulbusinessrevolution.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mshannonhernandez
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MShannonHernandezContentStrategist’
The Joyful Business Revolution FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1545554722411966
Follow Vanessa Shaw on Instagram
Vanessa Shaw on LinkedIn
Join The Million Dollar Group on Facebook